CUPE 65 along with the other unions in the area have been approached by the newly reformed Labor Council about joining. This Council much like the Canadian Labor Council looks to pull together multiple unions to help support each other and promote solidarity. This is a organization that existed in the past and is looking to reform, in these times of uncertainty with the constant attack on multiple sectors by the Fort government.
On March 25/2020 @ 7:30pm , during our next general membership meeting, Joanne Formanek Gustafson and Sydnet Chalifoux, interim leaders of the Labor Council, will be presenting to the members of CUPE 65 their plan moving forward, and vision for the Council. They are looking for CUPE 65 to commit to joining, and paying dues when the labor council is officially formed. After the presentation their will be time for questions and answers, and then a motion to vote on joining will be brought forward, if passed there will be a vote on the matter at the April general meeting.
The executive encourages all members that are able to attend, do so. It is strongly recommended that all Unit chairs attend.